Loan Affordability Calculator

Understanding how much home you can afford is crucial before starting your homebuying journey. Our Loan Affordability Calculator helps you estimate your borrowing power by evaluating your income, existing financial obligations, and desired debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. This tool provides insight into your maximum affordable mortgage payment and the estimated loan amount based on principal and interest, helping you set realistic expectations while searching for a home.

  • Monthly Gross Income – Enter your total pre-tax monthly income. This includes wages, salary, bonuses, and any other regular income sources.
  • Current Monthly Rent / Mortgage – If you are renting, enter your rent payment. If you already have a mortgage, enter your current mortgage payment (including principal, interest, taxes, and insurance).
  • Monthly Debt Obligations – Sum up all your recurring monthly debt payments, such as car loans, student loans, credit cards, and personal loans. Do not include rent or mortgage payments here.
  • Desired Debt-to-Income Ratio (%) – Enter the maximum percentage of your income you want allocated to housing and debt payments. Lenders often use 36%–45% as a guideline, but you can customize it.
  • Loan Term (Years) – Select the loan term you are considering (e.g., 15 or 30 years). This affects how your maximum loan amount is calculated.

Monthly Gross Income

Current Housing Payment

Monthly Debt Obligations

Target Debt-to-Income Ratio (%)

Loan Term

Mortgage Loan Breakdown

Current DTI

Max Mortgage Payment $

Max Loan Amount $

Take The Next Steps!
*These calculators are provided only as general self-help Planning Tools. Results depend on other factors.

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